

“Networking is the business tool of the 2000s.”

It is building a relationship by giving without expectations. It’s a giving relationship that may result in a long-term gain.”

The Business Network of Southwest Florida has been engaging in this “business tool” since 1986. The organization’s purpose, as stated in its bylaws, is to promote and improve the business of its members. This is achieved by exchanging leads, ideas and information. Club members are encouraged to do business with members, but memberships impose no such responsibility to do so. However, as one of our groups long standing members has often stated, “People like to do business with people they like and trust.” This has always been the case with our members and this is why we would like to get to know you by inviting you to a free Friday meeting and breakfast.


The Business Network of Southwest Florida is a “category exclusive” organization. In other words, only one member per business category is eligible for membership. The business, not the individual representative, is the member. If the representative of a business changes jobs, the business member may appoint a new representative.

Member companies may represent only one category under a single membership.
Membership Application

New Members

Prospective members are welcome as a guest at two meetings prior to applying for membership. If a prospective member wishes to attend more meetings prior to becoming a member, they are welcome at a per-meeting cost equal to 1/10 of our quarterly dues. Applicants must submit a brief data sheet describing their business, their representative and payment of $50 for annual dues. Members are billed quarterly for meeting costs. To learn more about attending, please see our Visitation section.

Social Functions

Members of The Business Network of Southwest Florida not only enjoy doing business with one another but also enjoy one another’s company. “Business After Hours” get-togethers are routinely scheduled, and the group schedules three to four social gatherings per year. See our Calendar of Events for the next upcoming Social Event.

Visit the Past Social Events on Facebook to see some photos of our latest get-together.

Professional Development

In addition to programs at weekly meetings, the Business Network occasionally sponsors or co-sponsors a major professional development seminar and open attendance to the entire community. It also conducts “mini-workshops” for members on such topics as workers’ compensation, sexual harassment in the workplace and more. See our Calendar of Events for the next upcoming Professional Development Event.


Participation is essential to effective networking. Consequently, regular attendance at Business Network meetings is expected. Again, according to the bylaws, “Any member who misses two consecutive meetings without a reasonable excuse and without notice will be considered delinquent.”

Members of the Business Network are entirely supportive of one another and virtually all reasonable excuses are accepted. Additionally, any member may obtain a leave of absence from active participation in the functions of the organization for any reasonable cause with approval from a majority of the Executive Committee. If you are a BizNet member and know you will need to miss an upcoming meeting, let the Secretary know prior to the meeting.

2020 Officers

President – Peter Zaehringer
Vice President – Jeffrey Zapparolli

Treasurer -  Mallika Davi
Past President  – Lorrie Kopko

Committee Chairs

Membership – Dew Cunningham
Professional Development – Peter Zaehringer
Social Director of Events – Martin Pahnke
Social Media – Drew Ogden

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